Kusama staking info

lux8 validators:



Validator 1 Performance stats: DJN9riW92EEyZFHNthLCRmc8BrC3MDGiiVKCpHX8qcizcmV

Validator 2 Performance stats: Dom3VWEQu8JNePDhX3Ce581eVLK77rSdBbqDLtRb5ZWHV31

1. Open polkadot.js.org

2. Import you account: Accounts --> Add account --> use your seed to import account.

3. Go to Network --> Staking --> Account action or just click here

4. Create nominator (+ Nominator), select your stash and controller account, and specify amount you want to stake.

5. Copy one of our validators address



or search by our validator name: LUX8.NET and paste it in a validator search filed.

6. Click 'Bond & Nominate' and 'Sign and Submit'.

Congratulations! Now you're staking with lux8.net validator.