Near staking info

NEAR Protocol (aka "NEAR") is a decentralized platform where developers can host serverless applications and smart contracts which have easy access to "open finance" networks and benefit from an ecosystem of "open web" components.

Block explorer

We are glad to support NEAR as validator, because we consider it to be one of the key players in the web 3.0 field. Our validator node details:

Staking pool address: lux.poolv1.near

View on block explorer: lux.poolv1.near

Detailed information on staking rewards can be found in the article: Staking Rewards are now live on NEAR

Useful information including estimated rewards and staking calculator you can check on

If you use third party wallet, like Math wallet or Moonlet copy our pool address lux.poolv1.near and find it in a list of validators to stake in our pool.

If you use official web wallet login into your wallet and click button below to stake with us.

We are committed to providing the highest level of service and reliability of our validator to secure your funds and maximize your profits.